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Text and data mining – A UK Update

At a recent event held by Westminster Forum Projects, Chris Mills of the Intellectual Property Office UK gave an update on the UK’s next steps, now the UK Government has confirmed the end of attempts to shepherd a voluntary code for the use of copyright materials in training AI (see here).

Chris explained:

Other issues on the UKIPO’s radar include:


Various stakeholders now expect the UK Government to propose an “opt out” approach to text and data mining similar to that in the EU’s Copyright Directive. They also expect the Government will propose legislation for “transparency” and “credit” in favour of rightholders. Perhaps the transparency and credit requirements will move the UK towards the requirement in the draft EU AI Act for the publication of summaries of the data used to train General Purpose AI. Such a provision could make litigation more likely, as rightholders see written evidence of the use of their content by AI developers.

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