JUVE-patent is carrying out a survey on which judges you would want to serve as UPC judiciary. Although not specified on the survey, we have heard reports that the deadline is Friday. Who knows whether the responses, which Juve says will be used for statistical purposes only, could end up influencing any selection, but it would be worth participating in, if you have clear views on who would be suitable. Responses to the survey will be confidential, it is said.
Interestingly we note that the survey asks where you think the former London parts of the UPC Central Division should be relocated to. The options are Amsterdam, Milan, Munich and Paris.
To participate, see: https://www.netigate.se/a/s.aspx?s=1011157X302138105X98125
About the author(s)
Seiko Hidaka is a patent litigator with an international outlook, known for horizon scanning and thought leadership.